How Much Plastic Are We Eating?

As a consumer, you should already know that that microwaving your leftover chicken stir-fry in its plastic container is a major no-no, but that’s not the only way to end up with a mouthful of chemicals.


An alarming new report from the University of Texas Health Science Center and the U.S. government suggests that most popular supermarket foods-including dairy, meats, condiments, drinks, and pizza-may be contaminated with a variety of plastic chemicals called phthalates. These chemicals are commonly used as plasticizers (what makes plastics soft, rubbery, and less breakable) in items such as fragranced shampoos, detergents, cleaners, lotions, and shower curtains. But now researchers are saying that some small amounts of the stuff may be traceable in your favorite packaged foods too.


This is a scary thing for consumers! Studies have been linked phthalates to breast cancer, birth defects, obesity, asthma, motor and behavioral problems in kids, and sexual dysfunction in men. The good news is that the estimated levels of contamination through diet were much lower in this study-and considered ‘safe’ according to the Environmental Protection Agency-than in some previous similar studies.

So I’m sure you’re wondering what you can do to elminate the intake of these dangeruous chemicals…but truth be told you can’t avoid them!

However, you can drasticly decrease your intake of phthalates but doing these few things.

1. Eat less dairy and pork.


These foods had the highest levels of contamination in the study.

2. Limit your use of plastic containers and wrap. Try to use glass to preserve leftovers, and most definitely never heat up food with plastic. Lots of studies are going on right now that show that microwaving food in plastic is horrible for you.

3. Choose better plastic drinking bottles.


If the recycling code on the bottom of the bottle reads #3 or #7, put it back. Those types of plastic are more likely to contain phthalates.

It’s always scary to learn about things like this. I’m sure there are a lot of consumers who’ve been doing some of these practices for a while so I write this in hopes to illuminate some of your minds to how dangerous the intake of these chemicals can be.

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